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Strata of Understanding (Five Words)




- Practical contact with and observation of facts or events.

- The process or fact of personally observing, encountering, or undergoing something

- The observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time


Experience, undergo refer to encountering situations, conditions, etc., in life, or to having certain sensations or feelings. Experience implies being affected by what one meets with: to experience a change of heart, bitter disappointment. Undergo usually refers to the bearing or enduring of something hard, difficult, disagreeable, or dangerous: to undergo severe hardships, an operation.

The experience in a certain space creates the organism of the area which represents the actions of the habitats. The city is an area full of different experiences and actions with various topics. The word experience will be one of the keywords which will create an effective relationship of the social value of the residents and habitats.




- A surviving mark, sign, or evidence of the former existence, influence, or action of some agent or event.

- A barely discernible indication or evidence of some quantity, quality, characteristic, expression, 


Trace, vestige agree in denoting marks or signs of something, usually of the past. Trace , the broader term, denotes any mark or slight indication of something past or present: a trace of ammonia in water. Vestige is more limited and refers to some slight, though actual, remains of something that no longer exists.

The relationship with urban interior between city designs is the threshold for the dwellers to be engaging an interesting perception that acts as a theme creator of life which cause the trail of sensory memory and history. Every space contains trace and story of the threshold for the dwellers. The dwelling between habitats and space cause the development and evolution of the space. Furthermore, it becomes a history of the landscape.




- The act, process, or result of moving.

- A particular manner or style of moving.

- Usually movements. actions or activities, as of a person or a body of persons.

The emotional movement and environmental movement is another key element for my practice, these elements create the social and economic values of the city. In my perspective, the main city developing is the movement of habitats with all the values above. Which will be a start point of smart growth.




- To act on; produce an effect or change.

- To impress the mind or move the feeling

As a space of the city is compacted with various cultures and traditions there is an organism with the instincts with parasites. When the growth becomes too fast and mighty, the geography problems as well as ecology problems. To support this topic I will also explore the transfiguration of the residents and habitats with the effects or failure of previous development.





- To become decomposed.

- To decline in excellence, prosperity, health, etc.; deteriorate.  


- To pass, flow, or ooze gradually through a porous substance.

- To become diffused; permeate.



Decay, decompose, disintegrate, rot imply a deterioration or falling away from a sound condition. Decay implies either entire or partial deterioration by progressive natural changes: Teeth decay. Decompose suggests the reducing of a substance to its component elements: Moisture makes some chemical compounds decompose. Disintegrate emphasizes the breaking up, going to pieces, or wearing away of anything, so that its original wholeness is impaired: Rocks disintegrate. Rot is a stronger word than decay and is especially applied to decaying vegetable matter, which may or may not emit offensive odors: Potatoes rot.

Decay is a natural transfiguration of city development. Familiar is another opportunity for the successful design method. The economic, social and environmental values of the urban design and city growth are the main mightiness elements but it is also the weakness of the growth. To support this topic I will explore the historical development which has been interpenetrated with the values above.



How have you framed problems in the past?


Putting my theory to a 3D element was my framed problems. Through the process of the visualizing, the method of producing 3D elements with the support of the theory always comes with alteration of the idea. The idea was to deconstruct the capitalism and hierarchy of the city society but my challenge was to express the deconstruction of the society which is the non-element and theory-based idea.

What are the key methods you use to determine effective and/or evocative solutions?


The key was the use of the different materials with different aspects with the theory base from the reading “the power of the eye”. It is a really basic method but when I think about the communism of different society and the mechanism of the society there is always the structure that moves people and city. When a person looks out through a small window from the top of the building, that person has all the view of the environment but all the other people at the bottom could not even realize that they have been watched. it gave me the idea of using different materials in the same method but with different aspects of the meaning. For example, I have created the landscape model of Queen St with the timber base and used metals to all the buildings with the same level. The ground was flat all the views were available from everywhere. It is the symbolism of the deconstruction but that wasn’t enough to convey the audience. So I have made the light projecting from the ground to make the shadows of the people to match the height of the building. The use of the materials and use of the different aspect was my key to an effective solution.

Identify patterns in how you use practice to frame problems?


The build of my idea through the experience or the research is the main way to frame the problems. Finding the relevant or related source is difficult but referencing someone who knows better and deeper than me is one of the effective ways. Therefore, the main pattern is to construct my ideas and research for critical references. After finding the great reference convey and blend that thinking to my practice.

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